Como debe prepararse para cirugia cosmetica


NO FUMAR: No fumar o estar en una habitacion donde fuman. El cigarrillo reduce la circulacion de la piel e impide la cicatrizacion.

MULTI-VITAMINAS: Empezar 2 dias antes de la cirugia Colace 100 mg dos veces al dia y continuar despues de la cirugia hasta que termine de tomar las medicinas para el dolor, para prevenir la constipacion. Estos medicamentos se pueden adquirir en cualquier farmacia sin recetas.

VITAMINA C: Empieze a tomar Vitamina C de 500 mg 2 veces al dia.

NO TOMAR MEDICAMENTOS: Que contiene aspirina o ibuprofen, no tomar te verde, phentermine o suplementos herbales minimo 3 semanas antes de la cirugia. que no puede tomar . Tome solo Tylenol si tuviera algun dolor.

VITAMINA E: No tome Vitamin E.

PRESCRIPCIONES: Las prescripciones que le daremos para su cirugia las necesitara tener lista el dia antes de sucirugia . Tiene que traer esos medicamentos con usted el dia de la cirugia.


STOP SMOKING: Smoking reduces circulation to the skin and impedes healing.

TAKE MULTIVITAMINS: Start taking multivitamins twice daily to improve your general health once you have scheduled your surgery. Start 2 days before surgery Colace 100 mg twice a day and continue after surgery until you stop taking pain medication, to avoid constipation, those medications are over the counter.

TAKE VITAMIN C: Start taking 500 mg of Vitamin C twice daily to promote healing.

DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN OR IBUPROFEN: Stop taking medications containing aspirin or ibuprofen, stop taking green tea , phentermine or herbal suplements, at least 3 weeks prior your surgery. containing aspirin and ibuprofen carefully. Such drugs can cause bleeding problems during and after surgery. Instead, use medications containing acetaminophen (such as Tylenol).

LIMIT VITAMIN E: Limit your intake of Vitamin E to less than 400 mg per day.

FILL YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS: You will be given prescriptions for medications. Please have them filled BEFORE the day of surgery and bring them with you.