Aside from simply making the decision to go through with a procedure to improve your rear view, you should discover what exactly your different options are. There are many reasons women want to alter their buttocks, from creating a rounder look to having more backside to fill out their bikini bottoms. If you desire a more curvaceous contour, then it is probably time to learn about the options available to you to improve your buttocks.

Fat Transfer or Brazilian Butt Lift?

More than likely you have already heard of the Brazilian butt lift. This has become quite a popular procedure recently for several reasons. The main reason is that this procedure is less invasive than the implant alternative. This procedure involves removing donor fat from one area of your body, usually the stomach, thighs or hips. After that the fat is purified and then fat cells are reintroduced to the body through injections. The donor fat must come from the patient's own body. In some cases if a person does not have enough body fat, the alternative of getting buttocks implants would be necessary.

Generally, the fat transfer or Brazilian butt lift is the preferred method because it does not require any actual incisions and the only thing being introduced to the body is a person's own purified fat cells. The only drawback to this method is that there is less of an ability to determine the overall size, shape and roundness. Also over time it may be necessary to have more injections if your buttocks should begin to lose any of the roundness the original procedure provided.

Buttocks Implants

Just like breast implants, you can opt to have buttocks implants especially if you do not have enough natural body fat to have a Brazilian butt lift procedure done. Also, like breast implants, with buttocks implants you can choose the size, shape and roundness so that you have a better idea of what the final outcome will look like.

While the fat transfer is often preferred because injections leave no marks while incisions can leave tiny scars, there are some patients who feel the final outcome is worth the risk of minor scarring. Making the Choice Ultimately you are the one who has to make the final decision on which approach you want to take to improve your buttocks. This is, of course, unless you are not a good candidate for one or either option.

Meeting with a skilled and knowledgeable plastic surgeon is the most important part of starting the process. During your initial consultation at a cosmetic surgery center, you and your potential surgeon can discuss the options and help determine if you are a good candidate for a buttocks enhancement procedure. He or she will need to know about your past and current medical and health history in order to determine if you are a healthy enough candidate for a plastic surgery procedure. It is a good idea to bring any pictures with you that you may have to give the plastic surgeon an idea of what the final goal is you hope to achieve.

Your consultation is also a good time to bring up any questions and concerns you may have. Ask to see before and after photos of work the cosmetic surgeon has done so you can determine if the doctor is a good match for you. Remember, it is about more than the final price; it is about getting good quality work from a trusted and respected Miami cosmetic surgeon. Don't take chances when it comes to your appearance as well as your health.


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